How Are These Images Made?

None of the art that you see here is "real".  There are no actual people on the site. Although Karen is an accomplished photographer the prints are not photos from a camera, and the posters have not been hand drawn.

Instead of using pencils and paint, Karen primarily uses a computer. She provides input to an artificial intelligence (AI) software program. The input is most often in the form of written instructions, or prompts, telling the AI how she wants the final output to look. Occasionally she shows the AI one of her drawings or photographs as a reference. Once the AI generates a preliminary image Karen then adjusts the way she’s worded her prompt to get the AI to make subtle changes. This can be time consuming, but it’s all part of the creative process. Once she is satisfied, the image is sent to the printer to create the final Giclee.

What Are Giclee Prints?

Giclee (pronounced Gee’clay), a French term meaning “to spray” refers to images printed on high quality archival papers with special light-fast inks. Giclee is the best way to produce archival reproductions of your fine art and photography. Karen uses a vendor who follows the standards set by the Fine Art Trade Guild for pH value of paper and lightfastness of inks.

What If I Want A Different Size?

The images shown on the site are all 16"x20". Karen chose this size because she wanted to make the images as affordable as possible, both for ordering artwork and for framing. If you are interested in a larger piece, send us a message using the Contact Form. We can do a special order. The cost will depend on the dimensions you want.